$0 to $10K on Fiverr - Day 6

Fiverr $0 to $10K – Day 6 – To FOMO or not FOMO?

Fiverr $0 to $10K - Day 6 - Shakespeare

“Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?” – Shakespeare

Impressions are rolling in, and I’ve got 2 clicks now.

Fiverr $0 to $10K - Day 6 - Gig Results

Still no conversions 🙁

As you can see, I’ve added a fourth gig to the list.

Cold Email outreach template.

Fiverr $0 to $10K - Day 6 - Gig

I plan to use a carbon copy of my current system and teach it to others.

It feels like I’m giving this one away, TBH.

This email outreach system is worth over $5 and should be a course, not a one-off purchase.

But the goal here is reviews; how much value do I have to give away for free to start seeing click-throughs and positive reviews?

I added a limited-time offer sticker to the gig to increase click-through rates. Honestly not sure why more people don’t do this ( I didn’t read the terms and conditions, I might get smacked down by Fiverr.)

Have to get that FOMO kicking in and drive some conversions.

Have to use every trick in the book to get that first review as fast as possible.

This will be a short one for today. Not much to add other than continuing to plug away until something clicks (literally)

Until tomorrow!

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